The Prospector is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities through meaningful employment. 

Employees of The Prospector are known as Prospects. Approximately 75% of our workforce self-identify with a disability.

We sparkle, shine, and transform passions into professions while earning paychecks with competitive wages.


A pink graphic displays two rows of images that show what successes the Prospector Theater has had since opening in 2014. The first image is a black vest with a pink Prospector crown on the pocket. Below it reads, “326+ Prospects Employed.” The second graphic shows four people next to each other. Three of them are colored in black and one is colored in white. Below it reads, “75% of Prospects self-Identify with a disability.” The third image is two white checks laying on one another. There is a pink money symbol on the checks. Blow it reads, “$26,055,000 total in payroll paid to Prospects.” The fourth image a black time in clock. Below it reads, “1,028,000+ hours of competitive and inclusive employment.” The fifth image is a white outline of two movie tickets on top of each other. Below it reads, “891,000+ Tickets Sold.” The sixth image is of a mission bucket of popcorn and a cup with a straw. Below it reads, “$9.14 Per cap.”. The seventh image is of a black clipboard with pink paper and white check marks. Below it reads, “19,700+ Service Learning Participants.” The eighth image is of a Prospector Popcorn bag. Below it reads, “104,760+ bags of Prospector Popcorn sold.” The last image is a white outline of a black film strip with a pink play button in the middle. Below it reads, “17,000,000+ views on Prospect Production videos.”


We use education, engagement, and entertainment to showcase our incredible talents and employability. Prospects work every job at the Theater – selling tickets, popping popcorn, filming, hosting events, editing, programming, landscaping, embroidery, service learning, marketing, information technology, strategic planning, graphic design, ICT, game design, grant writing, baking, research, web design, data analytics, costume-making, and so much more!

Prospects Greg and Regina point at a computer while working in Concessions. They are both laughing together and smiling. They are both wearing black Prospector uniforms and pink lanyards.


80% of people with disabilities don’t have a job. Over 1,000,000 more Americans with disabilities have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Prospector is a solution to the unemployment crisis.

Meaningful employment is vital to a person’s mental, social, financial, and emotional health. We improve the quality of life for countless people with disabilities, their families, and their communities. 



Through the operation of our movie theater, Prospects are paired with jobs that highlight their strengths and passions - or as we call it, “sparkle.”

Each new release generates dozens of opportunities to use our sparkle as we transform ordinary moviegoing into memorable experiences. 

We offer products that people want – good movies, fresh popcorn, entertaining pre-show content, clean facilities, and unparalleled customer service!

When you see movies with us, you create the thousands of business operations and interactions that fuel The Prospector's mission!

Prospect Tom stands outside of the Prospector Theater as he smiles and waves at the camera. He is wearing a pink top hat, a sparkly pink jacket, and sunglasses.

Prospect Tom stands outside of the Prospector Theater as he smiles and waves at the camera. He is wearing a pink top hat, a sparkly pink jacket, and sunglasses.


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