A pink graphic displays two rows of images that show what successes the Prospector Theater has had since opening in 2014. The first image is a black vest with a pink Prospector crown on the pocket. Below it reads, “326+ Prospects Employed.” The second graphic shows four people next to each other. Three of them are colored in black and one is colored in white. Below it reads, “75% of Prospects self-Identify with a disability.” The third image is two white checks laying on one another. There is a pink money symbol on the checks. Blow it reads, “$26,055,000 total in payroll paid to Prospects.” The fourth image a black time in clock. Below it reads, “1,028,000+ hours of competitive and inclusive employment.” The fifth image is a white outline of two movie tickets on top of each other. Below it reads, “891,000+ Tickets Sold.” The sixth image is of a mission bucket of popcorn and a cup with a straw. Below it reads, “$9.14 Per cap.”. The seventh image is of a black clipboard with pink paper and white check marks. Below it reads, “19,700+ Service Learning Participants.” The eighth image is of a Prospector Popcorn bag. Below it reads, “104,760+ bags of Prospector Popcorn sold.” The last image is a white outline of a black film strip with a pink play button in the middle. Below it reads, “17,000,000+ views on Prospect Production videos.”
Prospect Tom stands outside of the Prospector Theater as he smiles and waves at the camera. He is wearing a pink top hat, a sparkly pink jacket, and sunglasses.