Watch the Do-Good-O-Matic TRANSFORM!

We want to thank everyone who came out this past weekend and supported Do-Goodery, by purchasing a token for the Do-Good-O-Matic! The Do-Good-O-Matic was restored and re-purposed by Mark Furano, who has put together this lovely time-lapse video of what the Do-Good-O-Matic used to look like... and what it looks like TODAY!

Originally a cigarette machine, a ton of love and work went into creating this piece of art. THANK YOU, MARK FURANO, local antique toy collector, for giving this beautiful gift to the community!  We know all of you will have fun inserting a token, watching the light come on, and pulling a lever to dispense... you guessed it... a DO-GOODIE!

The Do-Good-O-Matic will have a prominent place in the Prospector Theater. Local professionals, in-house artists, visionaries and gamers will create Do-Goodies to be sold in the Do-Good-O-Matic.  For $10.00 you can purchase a token, pull out a lever, and be rewarded one of these lovingly crafted gifts!